This is a book I’m writing. The idea came from trying to figure out what to do on Twitter. This was to be a tweet novel called #Pazint that I could write one sentence at a time without having to think too much about it. Didn’t work. Turns out hash tag searches on Twitter don’t pick up ‘old’ tweets. Twitter’s definition of ‘old’ varies from day to day but it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume it to be 15 days. I’ve got better things to do with my time than actually write a book so I’m going to keep doing this one sentence at a time whenever I feel like it.
Pazint (last written on Nov 7, 2016)
Chapter 1
Time ticked by. The leaf to the left lifted lazily into the air. Pazint trembled imperceptibly. Her sense of jrift screamed that it was too late and she loved it.
(Author’s interjection) I have a bit of an idea what the story is about but not enough to pass for an outline that any english teacher would accept. We’ll see where it goes. Who is Pazint? What is jrift? What will happen next? Oh my goodness, this is so exciting. Ok, back to the story…
To Pazint it was time to start playing by the rules.
Rule #1: You can hide forever and that would be ok.
Rule #2: Sometimes it is better to keep doing the same thing.
She was pretty sure that there were more rules than that but her mother never taught her any others or that they were implied rules. Pazint had figured that out on her own.
Chapter 2
The boy walked up to the split rail fence in the backyard. Of course he wanted to slip through the rails and explore the field of tall grass beyond but he wasn’t allowed.
He turned around and leaned back against nothing as a beast towered over him against the afternoon sky. Yelling.
“Stop yelling little man, you are safe,” advised Pazint. And he did because Aaron was a brave lad.
He didn’t know what to do…so she waited. He thought it might be a dragon but it didn’t quite look like any of the pictures. What was that though. He decided whatever it was, he liked it. “You’re really pretty,” he said. She nodded and then he saw the grass behind her. It was enormous, sloping quickly down to normal underfoot. He looked up and it was over. “no!”
Her mind was racing. She had warpled reflexively back to safety. I’ll be better next time.