63. Extreme Femenist

63. Extreme Femenist

Grimm’s Fairy Tales are the worst. Really bad. You’d never know based on all the movies they’ve inspired. Its all rubbish though. Every Grimm’s Fairy Tale movie is a million times better than the book. I’m reading Rapunzel right now. The king’s son witnessed Rapunzel letting her hair down for Dame Gothel every afternoon. He figured it out and visited her every evening and Dame Gothel had no idea…until…one day the dumbest heroine ever written says this, “Tell me, Dame Gothel, how it happens that you are so much heavier for me to draw up than the young king’s son – he is with me in a moment.” Gemstone.

I don’t know what to say. I guess I should finish reading the story. Gothel cuts Rapunzel’s hair off and takes her into a desert to live in misery, all before the prince arrives in the evening. She tricks the prince with her brand new Rapunzel wig. He leaps out of the tower into some thorns and scratches his eyes out. He wandered blind for years eating only berries and roots until he inexplicably wanders into the desert and finds the love of his life, with twins! Of course her tears cleared his eyes right up “and they lived for a long time afterwards, happy and contented,” in the desert as far as I know.

Really nice story actually. I’m looking forward to the next one. FUNDEVOGEL. Should be a good one.